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Friday, August 8, 2008



Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Power Of Concentration

The man who has daily inured himself to habits of concentrated attention, energetic volition and self-denial in unnecessary things will stand like a tower when everything rocks around him and when his softer fellow-mortals are winnowed like chaff in the blast.
William James

Concentration on your Higher Self (the soul within) will encourage detachment and detachment will lead to power.

Everything in creation (as we understand it) is influenced by the law of magnetism. The law of magnetism teaches us that whatever we concentrate upon, we draw to ourselves. If we focus on goodness, our life can be a garden of happiness; if we concentrate on wealth, we will draw wealth to ourselves.

Success in life presupposes the power of concentration. Just as a magnet draws to itself iron filings and not rice grains, so too, the quality of our focused thoughts will create a dynamic but silent power within that will find us placed in situations akin to the nature of our thoughts. If we think ' good health ' and with faith and belief embed this deeply within our minds over a sustained period of time, we will gradually create for ourselves situations and an environment, which will be conducive to good health . Yet as we understand the workings of this power , it is essential that we not misuse power and that we be more involved in purifying our desires so that all that we seek only be bathed in the hue of wisdom and righteousness. Before we choose we always have an option, but once chosen, each action will bring forth a concomitant reaction.

Each of us is born with a certain degree of latent developed concentration, but the more we are aware of the existence of this power, and the more we seek to consciously use it, the more will we actually develop it. Men of success are men of concentration. Nothing of essence in life is achieved without concentration.

Be it in prayer, business, sport, art, or healing, concentration is the real key which helps one harness one's inner divine potential. Concentration aids you in drawing more of the life energy into your physical self and thereby raising your level of existence to higher layers of awareness. As you spiritualise your consciousness through Guru-channeled techniques of concentration, your energy pattern becomes more vibrant and pure, ushering all round tranquility and calmness into the temple of your mind.

With good concentration one can fulfill a task in virtually half the time and with double the accuracy of an average person. Paramahansa Yogananda said that we should do our interesting and enjoyable duties with all our heart and the uninteresting ones with our deepest attention. As we concentrate with will power on the task at hand, we learn to shut out unnecessary disturbing thoughts, doing nothing haphazardly. The mind thereby attains the ability to be one-pointed. The greatest power, remember always, is lodged in the fine, never in the coarse.

When one is able to lift a heavy object with muscles flexing, we appreciate the physical strength and the look and feel of the muscular part, but we must remind ourselves that the power to lift comes not from the muscles but from the life energy within, which in turn is drawn by the power of will and concentration. The greater the will and the more focused one's thoughts, the greater will be the inflow of the life force.

Each thought that we think forms a pattern in our brain cell grooves. These patterns then determine what our future patterns of existence will be. If we wish to change the nature of the existent (past) patterns or if we seek to create desired patterns (circumstances) it is vital to understand the workings of the science of concentration. Though any sincere practice in concentration may seem arduous and boring at the outset, after some time, internal interest is definitely developed.

The platitude before the flowering is only natural as new forms of mental thought seek to erase typical thought habits of the past. Evil and harmful habits are what we have gifted ourselves through concentrating repeatedly on the wrong thought patterns and now if we are to be rid of them, it is necessary to concentrate on the opposite. For example, if we have a habit of biting our nails, we must concentrate on seeing ourselves as living without any trace (even in imagination) of that habit. We must see only the goal, and the obstacles will fall off by themselves. With the coming of His Divine light, the darkness of eons can melt away.
As one advances in one's realisation and experiences the benefits of concentration, one hardly wants to abandon its practice. Spiritual techniques in concentration take one to the threshold of supreme joy, divine strength, deeper knowledge, and high levels of intuition. Ultimately success in profound concentration is a pre-requisite for success in communion with the omniscient Spirit.

Through concentration, one can draw to the surface, the repository of experiences submerged in the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is our most obedient serf and carries experiences not only of this life but also of the entire past. Swami Sivananda explained "when we are unable to solve a problem, be it personal or scientific, we should tell our subconscious mind to do it for us. Approached with trust and confidence, it will provide the right answer. The command must be couched in very clear, explicit terms with no ambiguity. If the solution is not elicited after a night's sleep, we may repeat the command at the same time each day, until the response is forthcoming."

Comprehensive development of the subconscious mind will relieve some of the pressure of the conscious mind, enabling it to concentrate more easily on noble and wise objectives and practices.

We oft complain about the traumas and trials that manifest in our lives. But very conveniently we forget that deep down we ourselves are responsible through our own thoughts and actions for these traumas. We have either been lazy or then simply over-enthusiastic in our uncontrolled thoughts and actions. Increased practices in techniques of concentration will manifest in us the ability to arrest the seed of unwanted thoughts right at the outset and also to skillfully guide the raft of our new thoughts. Only then will we be able, with the help of God and Guru to have control over our destiny and over our own mind; and one who has control over one's own mind can very definitely also relate with and manifest control over every other mind.

Concentration implies great self-control, especially over one's emotions and true concentration endows great strength-of mind and of character. It awakens within us an innate capability to withstand life's sudden and unexpected shocks, be it depression, chaos or other uncertainties. This strength, we must realize, depends not on material power but on mental caliber and poise. To acquire real mental poise, you have to attain wisdom. To acquire wisdom, you have to develop the mind, which is to develop the power of superconcentration, whereby will flow from within the all-conquering power of wisdom.

The main idea of concentration, explained Swami Paramananda (Ramakrishna Mission) "is to make our ourselves a channel, so clear, so direct, so unbiased, that through our instrumentality the power of Divinity can flow and accomplish Its great end. Keep this always in mind." In the Bhagavad-Gita, the concentrated mind of the Yogi is compared to the flame of a lamp that does not flicker. "When the mind is completely subdued by the practice of Yoga, and has attained serenity, in that state, seeing Self by the self, he is satisfied in the Self alone."

A mind that becomes concentrated enters a new province. Like one who has discovered a chest full of treasure, it can think of nothing else. "Seeing Self by the self, we are satisfied in the Self alone." Like a musician wholly absorbed in his notes forgets all about food, drink and bodily needs, a man of single focus is able to harness all his energy to the one most essential objective. Concentration is a tremendous force in society. Through its right use, one is successful in whatever one chooses to do. But concentration should not be consciously practiced only during times of need; one should constantly keep developing the powers of the mind at all times.

Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa, the great Master of modern India gives in his teachings a very vivid illustration. Every man, he said, should make a legitimate effort to keep his mind in a good, clean, concentrated condition; otherwise it grows unsightly-like a metal vessel, which becomes tarnished if it is not polished every day. A golden vessel, however, does not have to be polished so frequently. So too with our mind. Once it mingles with the Supreme, it becomes like the vessel of gold and retains its splendor even when it is not given any special care.

A perfect balance of yin and yang

For more than 2,000 years, the Chinese have always practiced Feng Shui to bring harmony, happiness and prosperity. Feng Shui means 'wind and water', and refers to natural surroundings and how they can be manipulated to produce a healthy environmental balance to give you the things you want most in life. Feng Shui involves an understanding of chi (positive energy) and sha (negative energy), yin and yang, the five elements of Chinese philosophy, the meaning and value of numbers, the importance of directions, and the pakua.

Chi and sha: The ancient Chinese considered chi as an invisible flow of energy that swirls throughout the earth and the sky and brings a life force with it. The Feng Shui masters call chi the 'cosmic dragon's breath of the universe,' and nothing can flourish and prosper without a good supply of smoothly flowing chi.

A negative chi flow, which may either be excessive or insufficient in amount, is known as sha. Sha's energy is unhealthy, creates disharmony in relationships, and upsets the natural balance that is necessary to prosper in an environment. Sha energy may manifest as physical, mental, or emotional illness.

In Feng Shui, positive chi will not enter narrow doorways and hallways and thus cause the stale, negative sha chi to be created. Sharp corners and angles also cause the sha situation in the environment that gives rise to arguments, business difficulties, and general bad luck. You can attract positive chi to those areas by hanging crystals, placing live plants, or displaying auspicious paintings or pictures.

Yin and Yang: In Feng Shui theory, yin-yang is the balancing force of the universe. It is a law of opposite energies that complement each other. Yin is water, yang is fire. Yin is night, yang is day. Yin is feminine, yang is masculine. Yin is receptive and retiring, yang is active and aggressive. Yin is lunar and yang is solar.

In Feng Shui, the most desirable living conditions derive from the balance of yin and yang in the environment. For example, too much light in a home results in an excessive yang energy, which calls for modifications in lighting with shades and balance. Because yin and yang are complementary, if one overpowers the other, their link is so strong that both forces are destroyed. One must, therefore, strive to

create the right balance of yin and yang in your living environment to benefit from the results of positive and harmonious Feng Shui.

The mystery of life & death

We all live in the shadow of the fear of death, we believe that life and death are opposed to each other. This feeling causes us to miss life and we miss death as well. When we are born, death is born with us.

Every day changes into night, and every night changes into day. The present elapses into the past and the future dawns upon the present. This cannot happen without the element of death. This process of change is death. If you want to die peacefully, live totally, completely. Death is the crowning glory of life lived intensely and fully. But our life is wasted in searching for the meaning of life.

The meaning of life is in life itself. No philosophy, no scripture, no cause can give meaning to life. You have to seek your own meaning and nobody except you can come upon it. Osho said, "It is your life and it is only accessible to you. Only in living will the mystery be revealed to you. Once you know what life is you will know what death is.

Death is also a part of the same process. Ordinarily we think death comes at the end, that it is against life; we think death is the enemy, but death is not the enemy. If you think of death as the enemy it simply shows that you have not been able to know what life is. Death and life are two polarities of the same energy, of the same phenomenon - the tide and the ebb, the day and the night, the summer and the winter. They are not separate and not opposites, not contraries; they are complementary.

Death is not the end of life; in fact, it is a completion of one life, the finale. A man who has understood what his life is, allows death to happen; he welcomes it. He dies each moment and each moment he is resurrected. Each moment he dies and is born again."

Monday, August 4, 2008

Discovering your Purpose and Destiny

Do you find it difficult to see the wood for the trees in your future plans? Do you have a vague idea of what you would like to do with your life, but just can’t pin it down? Or do you have no idea at all, except that you are not hapy with what you are doing now?

Finding true purpose and destiny can be a difficult thing to do. It is a rare person who ‘just always knew’ what they wanted to do and went on and did it. Most of us don’t have that luxury. Strangely, the question often hits us hardest when we are older. Usually this is because we have become frustrated from trying various ‘paths’ and realising we no longer have the time for experiments.

Some techniques you could try to 'Find your True Path' in life

  • You could read advice books, working through various questionnaires and exercises. There are some great books that can help you enormously. I found this method suits me best in most circumstances, but if you are not a reader you will find books tedious. They are great for ideas for career paths, and to help you to focus a little if you are prepared to work through the recommended exercises properly.

  • You could listen to tapes or CD’s – I, personally, didn’t find any that were helpful, although many are very encouraging. Usually this type of audio is for motivation and visualisation to help you achieve your goals, but of little use in helping you to discover what they are! (If you find one that is different, let me know).

  • You could attend seminars. Unfortunately they are few and far between, expensive, and seldom give you specific answers. Once again, they are more suited to motivation. You are better off working through the exercises in the books to help you figure out where you are going. There are some seminars, like my Motivational Gifts Seminar, that will help you to understand your motivations better and give you an idea of the type of activities that suit your personality. It also helps you to know what type of thing to avoid! Nevertheless, even this seminar will not help you to make the ultimate decision.

  • You could try a Career Advisor. They are great if all you want is a few ideas of what you could try, or a general idea of what your abilities and interests might be suited to. They don’t tend to care much about ‘Purpose and Destiny’, or finding out what you ‘want’ in life. Of course, you might not care about that either, in which case this route would be your best option.

  • You could, as most of us do when we are young, just try different things, walk down many paths, hoping to eventually ‘discover’ your true path. The chances are, though, if you are reading this, that you have already tried this one, and time is running out for experimentation!

  • Or, you can get somebody to help you. Somebody who will walk alongside you and help you to find the answers. I wish that option had been available to me.

I often say “I wish I had had ‘me’ to help me along the way!” I don’t mean that to sound boastful, It isn’t. I just never met anybody who does what I do. There were people who believed in me, but they had no idea how to help me to believe in myself.

There were people who made interesting suggestions. There were people who knew how I felt and offered tea and sympathy. There were people who had absolutely no idea what I was on about because they just ‘did what they had to do’ and couldn’t be bothered with all this bumph about ‘purpose’, ‘desire’ and ‘destiny’. Fair enough. But it did bother me, and I know from my clients that it bothers a lot of people. I knew that there was something I should be doing, something that I would love doing so much that I would gladly pay to do it.

While some people feel they have no choices (never true), I had the opposite problem of feeling that I had too many! To me there were so many wonderfully interesting things out there that I could be doing, but there didn’t seem to be one path that was worth my entire focus. Of course it isn’t necessary to do only one thing, but it is true that divided focus in one of the biggest causes of failure to achieve.

Destiny versus fate

Although the words are used interchangeably in many cases, fate and destiny can be distinguished. Modern usage defines fate as a power or agency that predetermines and orders the course of events. Fate defines events as ordered or "inevitable". Fate is used in regard to the finality of events as they have worked themselves out; and that same sense of finality, projected into the future to become the inevitability of events as they will work themselves out, is Destiny. In classical and European mythology, there are three goddesses dispensing fate, The "Fates" known as moirae in Greek mythology, as parcae in Roman mythology, and norns in Norse mythology; they determine the events of the world through the myistic spinning of thread that represent individual human destinies.

One word derivative of "fate" is "fatality", another "fatalism". Fate implies no choice, and ends fatally, with a death. Fate is an outcome determined by an outside agency acting upon a person or entity; but with destiny the entity is participating in achieving an outcome that is directly related to itself. participation happens willfully.

Used in the past tense, "destiny" and "fate" are both more interchangeable, both imply "one's lot" or fortunes, and include the sum of events leading up to a currently achieved outcome (e.g. "it was her destiny to be leader" and "it was her fate to be leader").

Fate can involve things which are bound within and subject to larger networks. A set of mathematical functions arranged in a grid and interacting in defined ways is Fatelike. Likewise the individual statues in a larger work of counterpoint art are aesthetically Fated within the work. In each case Fate is external to every individual component, but integral to the network. Every component acts as Fate for every other component. The entire world can be seen as existing within such a network, a kind of mythical spiderweb controlled by unseen forces.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Destiny refers to a predetermined course of events. It may be conceived as a predetermined future, whether in general or of an individual. It is a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed NATURAL ORDER to the universe.

Different concepts of destiny and fate

Destiny may be envisaged as fore-ordained by the Divine (for example, the protestant concept of predestination) or by human will (for example, the American concept of manifest destiny).

A sense of destiny in its oldest human sense is in the soldier's fatalistic image of the "bullet that has your name on it" or the moment when your number "comes up," or a romance that was "meant to be." The human sense that there must be a hidden purpose in the random lottery governs the selection of Theseus to be among the youths to be sacrificed to the minotaur.

Destiny may be seen either as a fixed sequence of events that is inevitable and unchangeable, or that individuals choose their own destiny by choosing different paths throughout their life.