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Monday, August 4, 2008

Discovering your Purpose and Destiny

Do you find it difficult to see the wood for the trees in your future plans? Do you have a vague idea of what you would like to do with your life, but just can’t pin it down? Or do you have no idea at all, except that you are not hapy with what you are doing now?

Finding true purpose and destiny can be a difficult thing to do. It is a rare person who ‘just always knew’ what they wanted to do and went on and did it. Most of us don’t have that luxury. Strangely, the question often hits us hardest when we are older. Usually this is because we have become frustrated from trying various ‘paths’ and realising we no longer have the time for experiments.

Some techniques you could try to 'Find your True Path' in life

  • You could read advice books, working through various questionnaires and exercises. There are some great books that can help you enormously. I found this method suits me best in most circumstances, but if you are not a reader you will find books tedious. They are great for ideas for career paths, and to help you to focus a little if you are prepared to work through the recommended exercises properly.

  • You could listen to tapes or CD’s – I, personally, didn’t find any that were helpful, although many are very encouraging. Usually this type of audio is for motivation and visualisation to help you achieve your goals, but of little use in helping you to discover what they are! (If you find one that is different, let me know).

  • You could attend seminars. Unfortunately they are few and far between, expensive, and seldom give you specific answers. Once again, they are more suited to motivation. You are better off working through the exercises in the books to help you figure out where you are going. There are some seminars, like my Motivational Gifts Seminar, that will help you to understand your motivations better and give you an idea of the type of activities that suit your personality. It also helps you to know what type of thing to avoid! Nevertheless, even this seminar will not help you to make the ultimate decision.

  • You could try a Career Advisor. They are great if all you want is a few ideas of what you could try, or a general idea of what your abilities and interests might be suited to. They don’t tend to care much about ‘Purpose and Destiny’, or finding out what you ‘want’ in life. Of course, you might not care about that either, in which case this route would be your best option.

  • You could, as most of us do when we are young, just try different things, walk down many paths, hoping to eventually ‘discover’ your true path. The chances are, though, if you are reading this, that you have already tried this one, and time is running out for experimentation!

  • Or, you can get somebody to help you. Somebody who will walk alongside you and help you to find the answers. I wish that option had been available to me.

I often say “I wish I had had ‘me’ to help me along the way!” I don’t mean that to sound boastful, It isn’t. I just never met anybody who does what I do. There were people who believed in me, but they had no idea how to help me to believe in myself.

There were people who made interesting suggestions. There were people who knew how I felt and offered tea and sympathy. There were people who had absolutely no idea what I was on about because they just ‘did what they had to do’ and couldn’t be bothered with all this bumph about ‘purpose’, ‘desire’ and ‘destiny’. Fair enough. But it did bother me, and I know from my clients that it bothers a lot of people. I knew that there was something I should be doing, something that I would love doing so much that I would gladly pay to do it.

While some people feel they have no choices (never true), I had the opposite problem of feeling that I had too many! To me there were so many wonderfully interesting things out there that I could be doing, but there didn’t seem to be one path that was worth my entire focus. Of course it isn’t necessary to do only one thing, but it is true that divided focus in one of the biggest causes of failure to achieve.

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