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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Flowers Showered

"The child continues somewhere in you: when you weep you can
find him, when you laugh you can find him, when somebody gives
you a present you can find him, when somebody forgets to, you
can find him, when somebody appreciates you, you can find him;
when somebody condemns you, you can find him - it is very
difficult to be really mature. One can never be mature unless
the child simply dies within you, is no longer a part of you -
otherwise it will go on influencing your actions, your

And this is not only true for the child, every moment of the
past is there and influencing your present - your present is so
loaded. And millions of voices from the body and the mind go on
manipulating you; how can you reach the path?
You are a mountain. This mountain has to be dissolved. What to
do? It can be dissolved consciously - one thing is to live your
past again, consciously.

This is the mechanism of consciousness: whenever you live
something consciously it never becomes a loaded thing on you;
try to understand this. It never becomes a burden on you if you
S live it consciously."


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